"Family" Picnic -- Charlie Flight Style
by Bill Christensen (63-66)
Captions by P. Adams (62-64)


Charlie Flight members and guests gather for a picnic at the Rose Range, an Army firing range with room for other fun things.
As the supplies are stocked it appears that there are sufficient standby kegs.  It is possible and altogether right to have your morale boosted at a government funded picnic.
A fresh batch of steaks is on the grill.  Member Joe Crary is in the light colored outfit at the right of the grill, member Bob Icenogle has his back to the camera talking to Joe and RJ Brumbaugh is to the left of the grill reaching for his refreshing beverage.
The kegs have moved to the table top and some of the lads are discussing the source of the High Plains Indian teepee in the background.
It looks like Airman Christensen is geared up and ready for the action.
Horseshoes are a picnic favorite.
Form is important.
A shoe in flight.
Looks like a good toss.
An errant shoe is returned to the playing area.
Some of the lads preferred volley ball.
Hands on the hips is an accepted defensive position.
Backup quickly.
When you don’t backup quickly enough, someone has to go get the ball.  Spill your beverage and start all over.  The white purse on the chair along with the leggy plant are artistically displayed.
Once the kegs get lighter everyone wants to walk one.
Those who cheer their comrades on are very cheerful.
If you set your mind to it, you can smoke and drink and roll a keg all at the same time.
It’s important to put one foot a little in front of the other, so as not to spill your bier.
Spontaneously a world class chug-a-lug contest sprung up.  The tall fellow in the middle looks like Danny K. Walko.  Danny was last heard stating that he was only testing the brew in order to better understand the temptations of the common man.
The fellow dressed in dark clothes in the middle is tipping a fresh one and being clocked by Danny to the left.
Another warrior steps forward and puts himself to the test.
The annual flight picnic comes to an end.  Morale is at an all time high and one of the lads attempts to abscond with a near perfect, crème colored MGA.  The guard dogs were bribed.

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