Civilian Clothes Authorization
See parts of Program Content Below.In Sam's words, "We were not allowed to wear civvies when I first got to Berlin in 1952 -- They didn't want us wearing them in case we wandered into East Berlin. Then sometime in 1953 they authorized us to wear them, but we had to carry a "pass" to show if challenged.
Note that Sam was attached not assigned to the 7350th. He was on the roles but detached TDY from the 2nd RSM in Darmstadt.
1952 Thanksgiving Day Program
Note the trusty C-47 and the smoking pilgrim.
A Word from John V. Hart, Colonel USAF, Commanding
Did we eat well or what?
Det. D Personnel
Sam noted "Included in the nicely done booklet was a listing of all Tempelhof units and a roster of their members. Oops! Listed among the organizations was Detachment "D" 2nd Radio Squadron Mobile! (security violation?) As I saw it in that trunk, it came back to me that this caused a flap at the time. It was a mistake by the 7350th folks. The list of Det D troops was not complete, because neither Lt. Blanford nor I are on it, and I was definitely there at that time and I think he probably was. In addition to 1Lt Pearsall, there were 27 NCOs and Airmen listed. The NCOIC when I got there was TSgt Darrel Hansen and he was on the list along with others I do remember. When Hansen left, I became NCOIC. As I recall we were forbidden to disclose our association with USAFSS or that some of us were Russian Linguists. Martin Sullivan was a good artist and clever cartoonist and he had a series of caricatures of the various guys hanging on the wall in the ops room. One of them (I think a self-portrait) showed a troop arriving at Tempelhof with duffel bag, rifle, helmet and flak jacket. He was asked what his job was, and his reply, "Dance Instructor." We had one radio repairman and for a while one comm center type, but after he returned to Darmstadt we ops handled the small (2 ttys) comm center."
Ed Note: Also included in the Thanksgiving Program were about 130 names from the 7350th Base Complement Squadron, a similar number from the Airways and Air Communication Service 1946th AACS Squadron, 3 from Detachment 5 of the 2nd Air Postal Squadron, 14 from Headquarters OSI District No. 3 and 5 from the 18th Weather Squadron, Detachment 33.
22 December 1953 Tabulator Cover
Tabulator Particulars
Sports Page - Bowling - The Det. D team's name is Demons. Sam's a
"A Christmas Message from the Base Commander"
Berlin is a great place to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas.