Dave Lee (60-63)
Pictures provided by Wilma Lee

David Ray Lee, Sr. passed away on August 18, 2005. He was 73 years of age.

David was an Air Policeman during his tour in Berlin and was assigned certain courier administration responsibilities for the squadron. He arrived at Head Building East each morning at 4:30am and made all the arrangements for turning over the previous day’s material to the carrying courier.

David and Wilma had been married 52 ˝ years and like many of our members have a son who was born in Berlin. They are included on our Patrons List.

Wilma lives in Bessemer City, North Carolina.

The Pope Air Force Base Honor Guard served as Honorary Pallbearers at David’s funeral ceremony.

The above picture was on Dave’s Memorial Card.

Dave’s wife Wilma sent this picture and said, “See if you can find out who these fellows are.  We were in Berlin with them.  (Ed. Note:  I get fleeting recollections of these good men.  I may even recall seeing a similar bottle of Seagram’s 7 during that same period.  -bp)  In early 2008, John Ferris (60-65/72-74) and Billy Cornsilk (61-62) determined that the men were from L to R - Edward Massar, John Ferris, Don Bigelow.


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