Gene has clearly convinced Robbie Roberts that Berliner Kindl is the only way to go whereas Robbie has once again gotten a free beer from Gene.
Larry Demers and
Gene were roomies 40
years ago. You
still can't tell them
apart - ball caps,
glasses, white
beards.... The
only way to tell one from
the other is Larry
always flips his name
tag over. It's a
security thing with
Larry. |
Larry makes a point
and Gene pays heed.
Larry says, "I swept the
room last."
Listening to the banter
one of our Brain Trust,
Ron Rader. |
Here's Larry, Gene & Barry Benjamin - mid 60's Dawg Flight buddies. It'll never get any better than this....anywhere....ever.
A marker where the
wall once stood.
It is in the sidewalk
directly east of
historical Checkpoint
Charlie. |
The new Hauptbahnhof. |
The Reichstag Dome. |
The Mime was
in front of the
Kaiser-Wilhelm Memorial
church on the Kudamm.
Upon seeing Gene and
Ruthann, he immediately
bowed, knowing a big tip
was forthcoming. |
The olde of it - an
East German Trabant, 2
cycle, smoke thumper. |
The Smart Car -
still riding high in
European cities.
Zip around town and park
in tight spaces. |
At the end of the
day, why don't we just
walk through the gate
like free people? |