Checkpoint Charlie - Nobody is stoppin' here now!

Berlin City Hall -
Beautiful building,
informative visit. |

Wannsee Boat Trip - Relaxing ride with historic meeting places all around.
Ka De We - If you can't
find it here.......... |
Tempelhof - Missed my
ride again! |
Silver Wings Club -
Couldn't get in. |
Klaus, our guide - Has
worked at Tempelhof
since the early 60's.
Knows, loves and worries
about it. Great
tour! |
Airlift Mural.
Officer's Club -
Couldn't get a Bier. |
The Gate - No questions
asked. |

Bunker Tour Shots and
Pots - No attendant in
sight. |

Stasi Prison -
Bars, Walls and Cells.
Barbara Sopato,
Frank's daughter on
sidewalk. |
Guide Vera Lengsfeld
with pamphlets.
She was detained as a
dissident here in the
80's. Tells her
story in a book, Mein
Weg Zur Freiheit. |

Last Supper at the
Zillemark - Home of the
Big Ones - Outstanding!
 | Carol Emdy, Sue
McCauley |
 | Doris Bennett,
John Steuber, Marja
Horbach (Steuber),
Tom Morris |
 | Bill Robinson |
 | Arch Richmond in
black pullover,
Dennis Hammer in
blue jacket. |
 | Kathleen & Perry Ankerson,
Tom Emdy |
 | Tony Angiletta,
Don Ernakovich,
Karen Roberts |