Jim Kyrish introduces Adalia Kyrish to Ole Hydeen while Eva Hydeen looks on. You gotta love those smiles.
(L to R) Wes Wilson and Joe Covern discuss the merits of a good mustache. Jack Caldwell (blue shirt) introduces Tom Shaw (plaid shirt). Bob Drew (red shirt) explains Electromagnetic non Compatibility to Dave Sullivan (partially hidden).
Sharing some Pictures (L to R around the table) The Warchols, Jim & Maggie - the Morgans, Judy & Reggy, John Steuber (at the end of the table) and Evi Shaw
Lane & Linda Aldrich and Joan Boyle. For security reasons, Lane closes his eyes when photographed.
(L to R) Jerry Cooper, Gary Anderson, Don McCall, Mario Perez, Terry Simms, Jim Blunt - Don is a son of Sqd. Cmdr Hugh McCall and a San Antonio area Police Detective Sergeant. These handsome men claim to have won the Cold War.
Tom Shaw listens attentively as old friends Jack Caldwell and Kin Kincaid explain the nature of the universe. Alan Aldrich can be seen behind Kin.
Mario Perez - 2002 BIA Hall of Fame Inductee
Also known as the father of Marienfelde
We may change the name to Mariofelde.
Bob Icenogle - Gracious host of our evening at the Gateway Hills Golf Course Club House
Friendly Führer Phil
He dyes his hair and wears the granny glasses to appear more mature.
Joe and JoAnne Ector are front and center. Rita Harden is just in the picture to the left. Jerry Loiselle is in the Florida shirt. Charlie Bishop enjoys a refreshing beverage while the lovely Earla Bishop and the not so lovely Don Hanchey smile knowingly at the Speaker.
Gary Anderson, BIA Morale Officer (BIAMO), demonstrates a little known Texas Warbler whistling technique.
Bob and Twila Icenogle, Banquet hosts and wonderful people, joyfully display the Joe Kinel Memorial Cake while Joe, wielding the knife, enjoys a sense of power over the size of everyone's cake slice.
Charlie Bishop inducts Perry Ankerson into the BIA Hall of Fame.
Charlie uses this opportunity to demonstrate a proper BIA pat-on-the-back. It doesn't get any better than this.
Joe Kinel states humbly that he doesn't deserve a Hall of Fame Plaque or to receive such nice gifts for 6 years of hard work.
BUT, he adds unequivocally, "I ain't giving anything back".
Jerry Cooper and Hannelore Sullivan.
Waiting on the Boat.
Bob Mulrooney studies the Order of Battle while Del & Else Larson and Jerry Loiselle plan the cruising strategy.
Steve & Joan Boyle, Ann & Jim Blunt and Linda & Lane Aldrich take a break before assuming their on-ship responsibilities.
Gary Anderson, Joe Kinel, Ron Hodgen and Ed Leonard have a beverage to steel their nerve for the cruise
BIA Boat 1 prepares to set sail ... 1st Row - Kathleen & Perry Ankerson ... 2nd Row - Ed Leonard, Ron Hodgen, Joe Kinel, Margie & Jim Warchol, Eva & Ole Hydeen, "Sam" Ewanco and Bob Mulrooney ... 3rd Row - The over-the-shoulder, beautiful, smiling face of Betty Leinweber ... 4th Row - son Fred & Al Leinweber, Ann Blunt (partially hidden), Else & Del Larson and Terry Simms.
BIA Boat 2 departs soon thereafter ... 1st Row - Bob Drew (far right) ... 2nd Row - Barbara & Phil Adams, Carolyn Radomski, Genie & Alan Aldrich, Hannelore & Dave Sullivan ... 3rd Row - Jim & Judy Muncie, Steve Boyle, Carol Emdy, Not Known, Joe & Judy Covern, Joan Boyle, Tom Emdy waving, Tony Angiletta, Nell & Jim Coats.
Bob Mulrooney, Perry Ankerson, Terry Simms, Gary Anderson and Vic Keithley look as though they should be on stage, a fine looking lot.
Alan Aldrich and Bob Drew - Both of these good men were Flight Commanders starting at Templehof. As young lieutenants, they were awarded lots of extra duties. One was to escort Linda Bird Johnson & friend plus 4 Secret Service agents to the lively Berlin Night Spots.
Alan Aldrich, Dave Sullivan and Bob Drew.
Dave, an inductee into the BIA Hall of Fame was also a Flight Commander at Teufelsberg.
Ed Leonard drove down from Missouri for a good time and found one.
John Steuber flew in from Rotterdam.
John has been a big help to dem Führer.
Barbara & Phil Adams
Photo Recon Commander Dave Radomski caught them leaving the Mad Dog for his last picture of the evening.