Barb Adams, Joan & Steve Boyle, Rita Harden
The Boyles were our gracious hosts for the dinner cruise |
Benjamin & Kyle
Here’s a couple of couples that are fun to know. |
Bill Robinson
Bill may be a great restaurateur but he’s no slouch as a story teller either |
Blunt & Emdy
When these couples sit down, we always hang at least one star nearby |
Bob & Twila Icenogle
They’ve been to every BIA reunion and we’re glad of it |
Boyle & Adams
For matters of security, Steve always keeps his name tag reversed |
Daughter Jill & Willi Colbert
Goodwill Ambassador Willi looks good in shades. It was great that Jill could be with us |
Edna & Bert Scanlan
An example of a proper BIA hug |
Hugh Clark
Now there’s a pleasant person |
Jeanie Ruster
We’re glad Jeanie could make it |
Karen & Robbie Roberts
We were sailing along on Moonlight Bay…
Don’t the Roberts take a great picture? |
Kathleen Ankerson
Standing near the band enjoying the music is always good but never better than this |
Rock Morocco, Rita & Bob Womack
Bob always did enjoy fiddling with a lens cap |
Ron Rader & Jim Harden
A couple of fine fellows here |
Maryann & Steve Bowbliss
Talk about a pleasant smile |
Scanlan & Landress
Unlike some people, Darell finds it easy to relax on a dinner cruise |
Sue & Dan McCauley, Dick Grant
More special people |
Server Rachael & Ole |
Wayne Wert & Gil Apaka
There’s always room for one more pleasant smile |
Lyle Morris
Lyle closes his eyes when aboard ship to better feel the motion |
Mario Perez
A serious discussion |

John Lawler
John gets a last pic of the yacht |
Mark Latimer, Tom & Carol Emdy
Goodbye ‘til next time when we’ll be in Berlin |
Rock Morocco, Peggy Ryan, Barb Adams, Steve Boyle
One last goodbye |